“Change is hard but necessary” If you have tried to change a bad habit in life, a bad attitude, or where you are in life, you know how difficult it is. It takes a lot of time and you have to develop different attitudes and habits. Today we are showing you some arts that will help you change your life. Pj Milani is a digital artist. These designs are posted on his Instagram account. Check out some of his designs below.
More Info: Instagram
#1 “Passion brings immediate joy. Values provide lasting meaning.”

#2 Be intentional about where you spend most of your energy.

#3 Write your thoughts down.

#4 We suffer more from imagination than from reality.

#5 The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

#6 “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.”

#7 Look for signals to guide you along the way.

#8 There’ll never be a perfect someday. But there’s always an imperfect now.

#9 Dive into the value of the path.

#10 “If you don’t make stuff, there’s no stuff.”

#11 Exercise those creative muscles daily to release their potential.

#12 Spinning your wheels? Or building a “fly” wheel?


#14 The promise of someday is a comforting prison of dreams.


#16 The more you develop your expertise, the more difficult it is to remember the challenges you faced as a beginner.

#17 “Empathy fuels connection.”

#18 Growth is a cycle, not a destination.

#19 Unplug to recharge!

#20 To learn hard things quickly, you must focus intensely without distraction.

#21 Find patterns in the randomness of your thoughts by writing your ideas down.


#23 Problem warmed up by Deep Work = Insight

#24 “Resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work.”

#25 “Listening is more than hearing what’s said. It’s noticing and surfacing what isn’t said.”

#26 “If you don’t own your own niche, you don’t decide where you go.”

#27 Wisdom to me is knowing how little we know.

#28 Each milestone hit spawns another milestone to target.

#29 You can’t pour from an empty cup.

#30 You can’t pour from an empty cup.