“40 ‘Who Wore It Better?’ Photos That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud!”

“40 ‘Who Wore It Better?’ Photos That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud!”

Who rocked their pants better—Justin Bieber or a baby? Does Kim Kardashian pull off black and white better than a killer whale? And can Kendall Jenner’s fashion truly rival a torn car seat? The verdict is yours! Scroll through this hilarious collection of side-by-side comparisons and decide for yourself—who really wore it best?

#1 Who wore it better?


#2 Grandma Or The Carpet?

#3 Justin Bieber Or This Baby?

#4 These Shopping Bags Or… Wait, What?

#5 So my friend checked into a random hotel, and then this happened


#6 This Man Or Airport’s Floor?


#7 Kim Kardashian Or This Onion Bag?

#8 A Boy Or This Fire Hydrant?

#9 Lil Wayne Or Gremlin With 3D Glasses?

#10 A High Fashion Model Or This Homeless Guy?

#11 This Model Or A Duster?

#12 he Weeknd Guy Or This Cat-Man?


#13 Mom And Daughter In Their Fancy Dresses Or This Cat?

Sadek Majed Couture

#14 Rihanna Or An Ice Tea Can?

#15 Beyonce Or This Strawberry Candy?

#16 Taraji P. Henson Or This Broken iPhone?

#17 Melania Trump Or Beauxbatons College Girls?

#18 He totally copied her outfit


#19 This Woman Or An iPhone Case?


#20 This Man Or Road Cones?


#21 This Nail Polish Or The Gum?


#22 Kim Kardashian Or This Killer Whale?

Splash News And Picture Agency

#23 This Woman Or An Ice Cream?

#24 Rihanna Or Gossamer From Looney Tunes?

#25 Katty Perry Or Princess Carolyn From Bojack Horseman?

#26 This Man Or His Suitcase?

#27 Angela Merkel And Dilma Rousseff Or Dumb And Dumber?

#28 Kim Kardashian Or This Couch?

#29 This Guy Or A Glue Stick?


#30 Kylie Jenner Or This Net Bag?

#31 Taylor Swift Or These Bus Seats?

#32 Blake Anderson Or Rocko From Rocko’s Modern Life?


#33 Kim Kardashian Or Mrs. Doubtfire?

#34 Queen Elizabeth II Or Big Bird From Sesame Street?

#35 Mischa Barton Or Oscar The Grouch?

Jason LaVeris

#36 This Girl Or This Road Cone?

#37 Michelle Obama Or This Toilet?

#38 Kylie Jenner Or These Curtains?

#39 Phone Case Or That Lady?

#40 Melania Trump Or Jerry Seinfeld?

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