20 Best-Designed Basketball Courts in the World

20 Best-Designed Basketball Courts in the World

It should come as no surprise that there are some pretty amazing basketball courts available as basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. The top basketball courts in the world range from spectacular outdoor courts with amazing vistas to cutting-edge indoor stadiums with distinctive architecture. check out these incredible designs you have never seen before.


#2 Dubrovnik, Croatia

Kateryna Kyslyak/Getty Images

#3 New York City

#4 Paris, France

AFP Contributor/Getty Images

#5 Toronto, Canada

Ashley Duffus/Getty Images

#6 San Diego, California

Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images

#7 San Pedro, California

Kathryn Donohew/Getty Images

#8 Paris, France

Catherine Steenkeste/NBAE/Getty Images

#9 Los Angeles, California

 Thomas De Wever/Getty Images

#10 Lisbon, Portugal

#11 Ngau Chi Wan, Hong Kong

PoorFoolGuy/Getty Images

#12 San Juan, Puerto Rico

Efrain Padro/Alamy Stock Photo

#13 London, England

#14 Tel Aviv, Israel

#15 San Diego, California

#16 Chicago, Illinois 

#17 New York City

#18 Kinloch, Missouri

#19 Melbourne, Australia

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