7-year-old Syrian rebel

A farmer in Vietnam

18 years old IDF soldier after a long run in her training

Tea time on the Yamal Peninsula

Malagasy girl in her village

The most beautiful eyes you will ever see

A Palestinian girl with a rifle amid Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza City

The face of a Chinese coal miner having a break

13-year-old eagle huntress in Mongolia

Blind Albanian boys at their boarding school in India

A black boy and an Albanian boy napping together

A young Chinese soldier breaks down into tears before shipping off for service

A mother and daughter kiss each other after being disfigured in an Acid attack by their father/husband

A girl carries an assault rifle to protect her family from I.S.I.S

A boy rescues his sister from underneath the rubble of their home in Syria

No matter what our paths are, we are still brothers

I’m here because of your father

A young Yazidi girl rests at the Iraqi-Syrian border

A child tries to take his Alcoholic father home

2-year-old son offering food to his handicapped mother