Whether your pet is extremely curious, incredibly playful, or simply enjoys the feeling of safety in a cramped den, sooner or later it might get stuck and require a helping paw to get out. At that moment, they might feel a tad scared, a trifle silly, and possibly even derpy. But have no fear! Your owner is here! No doggy door, wall, window, or cardboard tube will stand in the way of the rescue attempt

Check out the best of the best of stuck funny pet pics, Who would you rush to rescue first? Have you ever had to get your dog or cat out of a hairy situation? Tell us all about it in the comments.

#1 Left Unsupervised For 3 Minutes He Climbed Into The Sweatshirt And Was Found Trapped Like This

#2 My Cat Got Stuck Between The Glass Door And The Screen Door


#4 A Cat Story In 4 Pictures

#5 I Just Left The Room For 10 Minutes

#6 Mistakes Were Made

#7 Neighbors Got A New Dog. He Seems To Really Love My Pug

#8 My Boy Got Stuck On Top Of The Wardrobe Door Today

#9 “I’ve Made A Huge Mistake”

#10 And Then He Realized, He Is Not A Cat

#11 Found A Raccoon In This Exact Position


#13 What Goes In Doesn’t Always Come Out

#14 The Reason Cats Jump On Christmas Trees Is That Cats Want To Become Christmas Tree Ornaments

#15 Pickles Likes Tuna More Than The Raccoons Apparently

#16 This Is How My Dog Greets Me At The Door Today

#17 Anyone Else Ever Had To Cut A Hole In Their Wall To Get To Their Trapped Cat?

#18 “I’ve Made A Huge Mistake”

#19 Trash Panda Got Stuck In A Storm Drain

#20 Owl Got Stuck In The Net, Delaying Our Game For 30 Minutes. He Was Removed And Is Currently In The Zoo

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