Armenian photographer Suren Manvelyan created a gripping Animal Eyes close-up photo series.

With such close photos, one is able to see details such as the irises’ colour gradients, textures, patterns and even tiny blood vessels, causing these eyes to look like alien landscapes.

Cats can see eight times better than humans.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Because geckos are nocturnal, their eyes are more light-sensitive, with the pupils constricting when they hit the light.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Llamas have eyes that adjust to high altitudes.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

A crocodile’s eyes can adapt to twilight or nighttime.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Penguins have eyes that allow them to see better underwater.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Dragonflies have eyes that consist of thousands of thousands of tiny hexagonal eyes, giving them nearly 360-degree vision.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

A goat’s wide pupils give them 330 degrees of vision, as opposed to a human’s 185-degree view.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Chameleons can rotate their eyes 360 degrees independently of one another!

image source; Knowledge Is Power

A python’s eye is mesmerizing.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

A tokay gecko has transparent eyelids.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Marine mammals, like this whale, have limited vision because of the way the water refracts light.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Owls cannot easily see from close distances, but they are excellent from farther away, particularly in low light.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Octopus have binocular vision

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Camels have three eyelids, but they are so thin that camels can still see even when their eyes are closed.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Acara fish can only see in two dimensions.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Lemurs have such excellent night vision that they can still make out colours in almost complete darkness.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Clear eyes like that of a husky can develop problems more easily.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

The hexagonal lenses of a bee are so strong that they can see ultraviolet rays that humans can’t even perceive.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Macaws see everything in ultraviolet vision.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Slugs, with their eyes on long stalks, have a surprisingly strong vision.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

A chinchilla has truly striking eyes. It looks like a landscape.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

A crow’s eyes almost look like they’re frosted over.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Sterlet fish have oddly shaped pupils.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Just like humans, our closest relatives, chimpanzees have binocular vision.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Peacocks have lateral eyes to help them escape predators.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Parrots’ ultraviolet vision allows them to see the maturation of fruits.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

Unlike other birds, the Athene noctua owl is able to blink one eye and turn its head three-quarters of its total rotation.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

All cats, like this Siamese cat, are born with blue eyes. They may change five or six weeks later, but sometimes they remain blue.

image source; Knowledge Is Power

This deer’s eye looks like some kind of alien creature

This hippo’s eye is adapted for nighttime.

It used to be believed that dogs, like this Pekinese, can only see in black and white, but their vision isn’t quite that limited. They simply cannot perceive all the colours that humans can.

Human eyes must recycle calcium to properly function.

This tomato frog has many different types of optic nerves.

Horses have monocular vision.

The heron’s eyes are ideal for hunting fish below the water’s surface.

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