20 pictures show the artist is the best creative creator n the world

20 pictures show the artist is the best creative creator n the world

The artist is someone who thinks very differently. Someone who thinks differently can make the most beautiful world.

Vincent Bal is an artist from Belgium. he is interested in Shadowologist and filmmaker. Some of his excellent shadow art can be seen below.

More Info: Instagram

#1 Charlie Brown Peanuts

#2 Bus Boy

#3 Unwinding

#4 Soul Tomates

#5 Rhapsody in bloom

#6 Strong plants have deep roots 

#7 Flower Blower


#9 Look Sharp 

#10 Pin Twins

#11 Hat for Spring Season

#12 That cat is high

#13 The vases of the moon

#14 The blowfish blew it

#15 High Tea

#16 Strong Coffee

#17 Skating Rink Drink

#18 The Masher

#19 Mariupol doll

#20 Rice to the occasion

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